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About Auxiom

A proven track record of helping businesses on their technology journey.

Our Story

Auxiom is rooted in the collaboration of two people from very different sides of the IT service world. Dan Mayer, Auxiom’s founder, has a broad background in development, infrastructure, and IT services, while Matt Loria, Auxiom’s CEO comes from the business world where he was a consumer of IT support services. 

Both of their backgrounds taught them valuable lessons about how IT services should truly operate. Dan learned technology provided people value and that an extra bit of care was the lynchpin in making it effective. On the other side, Matt found it very frustrating to find technology providers that could meet his business and support his needs, realizing that something was missing in the IT services world. 

Together they formed a company where businesses could turn to to get the job done right and clients would be treated according to the “golden rule” – treat others as you would want to be treated. The name Auxiom truly symbolizes that path.


Auxiom = Gold + Rule

The Golden Rule is part of what we do every day, and is encapsulated in our name. AU the chemical symbol for gold, and Axiom is defined as a self-evident truth that requires no proof, or universally accepted rule, thus the Golden Rule. At Auxiom, our passion is caring enough to be the difference – for our clients, our staff, our community, and our company.

About Auxioms Gold Standard

ABOUT what we believe

Our core values

The Golden Rule

Live by the golden rule. We strive to treat others how we want to be treated and to do the right thing at all times for our clients, our community and our company.

Best Decisions Win

It doesn’t matter WHO is right, it matters WHAT is right. We check our egos at the door and support the decision that is best.

No Excuses

“Excuses Be Gone” because results are more powerful than excuses. We are empowered to recognize, address and solve issues and deliver tangible results through individual initiative.

Create More Fans

We consistently make a positive and memorable impact. We are passionate about doing our job so well that our clients are eager to recommend our services to others.


Bad news does not get better with age. We communicate in a clear, timely and open communication at all times to all parties.

What our customers say

I’m a small business owner, so I wear all the hats in my company. Auxiom talks to me like a business owner instead of an IT person. They ask me what’s important to me and my business and help me decide what should be important from an IT standpoint.
Tom M.
CFO, Manufacturing Company
The biggest overall change with Auxiom onboard is the maintenance of our network is now more proactive than reactive. Before we weren't ever sure what our IT company was doing and we played that game for so long it seemed normal, now it's like a breath of fresh air and I can relax a little bit if I need to go out of town or focus on other things.
Sean B.
CIO, Distribution Company
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Let's talk about your Tech

Auxiom is here to answer all your IT questions.

We have technology solutions for growth-oriented businesses in every industry.

Don’t speak geek? Don’t worry! We don’t judge.

Auxiom is here to make IT easier for you, not more frustrating.

[email protected]
(586) 200-1515

929 W. University Dr.
Suite 200
Rochester, MI 48307