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Benefits of Managed Services for Education

Have you considered Managed Services for Education for your school(s)?

  • Do you have administrators getting pulled into resolving an individual student’s Chromebook issue?

  • Are your teachers spending time troubleshooting a video conferencing tool during a remote learning session?

  • Is your staff having to figure out how to help students and parents log in to view assignments or student records?

Combining the time spent on these tasks can quickly surpass the other more pressing needs of your school. Ultimately, if not handled properly, they can negatively impact student achievement and even enrollment.

So many schools and school districts lack the funding, resources, or knowledge to address cybersecurity in today’s ever-changing technology landscape adequately. One of the most effective ways to ensure your school is protected and up to date on technology is by using a Managed Service Provider (MSP) to complement your existing in-house IT support staff. 

Managed Services for Education

  • Bringing in Managed Services for Education to manage a school’s technology (AKA an IT managed service provider) can alleviate these burdens and provide schools with a strategic partner who can help them effectively—and efficiently—navigate their school’s technology challenges.

  • With the growing demand for remote learning, hybrid learning, and advancements in technology, using an MSP can help speed up your school’s adoption of new IT and cloud solutions, assist with the migration of systems, and offer recommendations on future technology planning.

  • Using an MSP gives you a cost-effective solution for monitoring, managing, and securing your school network. A managed services partner can help you make the most of your current solutions, tools and platforms—and help you understand which solutions can be combined, integrated, or thrown out altogether.

  • Technical support through an MSP means your staff won’t be spending valuable time troubleshooting day-to-day user issues and will have more time to focus on teaching, strategy, or larger projects.

  • MSP’s can perform security gap assessments to identify vulnerabilities within your organization and then assist you in creating a security plan that will work for your network, operations, timeline, and budget.

  • An MSP can help you make sure you are making effective use of backups and off-site storage. With so many data backup options available, you might not even know what the options are or which one is suitable for your organization, and the types of data you have. 

  • Security Awareness is part of many MSP packages. MSPs can provide solutions for training all stakeholders on current security threats and best practices and can use phishing simulations to identify those staff who may require additional training.

  • IT services through an MSP allows your school to access expert IT talent at a fraction of the cost of hiring a full-time IT team. While transitioning to an MSP may require an initial investment, bringing on an external partner can help educational IT departments create efficiencies across workflows and functions by outsourcing some of the more time-intensive, administrative, or mundane tasks. Specifically, an external partner can take over streamlining institution-specific web and digital operations, scaling platforms or solutions without risking expensive disruptions, and providing IT support.

Auxiom currently works with more than a dozen schools across Metro-Detroit, including private religious institutions and public districts. We provide everything from fully Managed Services for Education, to assisting with network design, to designing world-class e-sports training facilities, our dedicated team helps school leaders fulfill their school’s unique mission. Auxiom can help you identify your technology needs, create a plan for meeting them, and seamlessly execute the plan’s deliverables.

For more information on Managed Services for Education, contact Auxiom now and make sure your school, your students, your staff, and your data is safe and secure.


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